Teen Ministry

Iron sharpeneth iron;
so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Proverbs 27:17

Teens are looking for answers, direction, and happiness - anything to fill the void inside. Unfortunately, these things can't be found in the world; they can only be found in Jesus Christ!

Teenagers are facing an ever-changing world and are being pulled in every direction. Peer pressure, friends, media, television, and social networks are just a few of the outlets competing for the attention of our current generation.

Our Teen Ministry exists to guide students to love, follow, and serve Jesus Christ with their whole hearts!

At Bible Baptist, we believe teens can live a life with meaning, a life with direction, and a life of happiness!

Times & Info


Mikey & Amairani Payne


Sunday School @ 9:00 am
Located in Teen Building


TNT: Teens "n" Truth @ 7:00 pm
Located in Teen Building

We have an awesome place just for you!
If you are a student in junior high or high school, then we want to meet you.