Activities that spark interest, imagination and are fun make coming to church a happy time for children! The Children's Ministry of Bible Baptist Church exists to partner with parents in laying foundations for the spiritual growth of children in age-appropriate ways!

If you are looking for a starting point in laying spiritual foundations for your child at church, Bible Adventure Land is the place to start!
Children's Programs
Sunday School Classes
Sunday Mornings @ 9:00 am,
grades Pre-K thru 6th
Junior Church
Sunday Morning during the Main Service @ 10:00 am
Grow Club
Wednesday Evenings
@ 7:00 pm
Class Schedule
Sunday School Starts @ 9:00 am
2 Yr Olds
Lisa Munoz
3 Yr Olds
Vikki Davalos
4 Yr Olds
Crystal Gonzalez
Beth Jakubec
1st Grade
Phil Huerta
2nd Grade
Tim Pollard
3rd Grade
Julie Fonseca
4th Grade
Raymond Sanchez
5th/6th Grade
Tracy Pollard